Cults, or, Beardo Wins Again

Go Outside by Cults (download courtesy of Daytrotter

Another glorious recommendation from the very bearded Ben Clark. My best guess about how Ben heard about Cults is that somewhere deep in Nebraska, while touring through farmland performing his poetry to stalks of wheat and corn who swayed and bobbed enthusiastically, Ben was approached by a man with the garb of a Quaker and the gait of Patrick Bateman. Attracted to both the beard and body, Ben exchanged information and the promise of a later meeting with this man and promptly returned home to read up about Cults and how to get in for the ceremonial sex but out before the sacrifices. I imagine that since the whole world fell in love with the three tracks of two very surprised and unprepared musicians after they put them on their Bandcamp, Ben saw this link and missed his meeting with the man for passing along the link to everyone he knew. So here they are, everyone! Don't forget to read the interview with Pitchfork and groan with irritation when they remind that they interviewed the band mere weeks after the tracks were posted. Please don't hold it against the musicians, as we have every reason to believe that their forthcoming album is going to be nothing short of fantastic.

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